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Group Seminar 2022/23

Group Seminar
Wednesday 26 April 2023, 14:00-15:00
Electrical Engineering Rhodes LT (G.55)
Dr Malcolm R. Connolly
Imperial College London, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics
Superconductor-Semiconductor Quantum Circuits

Abstract: Nanostructured low-dimensional materials provide an exciting sandpit for exploring fundamental ideas in condensed matter physics and could potentially enable next-generation quantum devices. Superconducting quantum circuits with integrated mesoscopic semiconductor Josephson junctions (JJs) have emerged as a versatile platform for realising hybrid qubits with gate-tuneable properties and for studying interactions between quasiparticle excitations and microwave light. In this talk I summarise progress towards realising these experiments with scalable quantum circuits hosting V-VI topological insulators and III-V 2D electron gases [1,2]. I will discuss some of the main challenges with using strong spin-orbit interactions in these materials to realise highly-coveted topological phases in the presence of disorder and strong global magnetic fields, and describe some possible routes forward using magnetic materials [3].


[1] T. Schmitt, et al., Nano Lett. 22(7), 2595 (2022)

[2] V. Chidambaram, et al., Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023170 (2022)

[3] D. Burke, et al., arXiv:2302.10982 (2023)